Web app for ordering articles

PHP | Object-Oriented Programming | Twitter Bootstrap | MySQL | Linux

Project Challenge

My client asked me to create a web application that would allow him to order articles through the third-party service (using its API). The most important part was creating a template builder and functionality for macros that could significantly speed up the work of managers.

Thus, the main task was to add functionality that wasn't available in the original article ordering service. In general, the client asked to create: an authorization system (login and password), a module for working with templates, a module for working with projects, functionality for ordering articles, functionality for getting articles, functionality for selecting favorite writers, and categories management.

Project Solution

I implemented this project using plain PHP and Twitter Bootstrap. I chose MySQL as a database. Apache was used as a web server.

As for the project architecture, MVC, Singleton for DB, and other patterns were used. Also, I used the PDO interface to interact with the database.

Involved skills

Twitter Bootstrap